Posted by: hippofishy | August 26, 2010

[pict] Me2day kwanghee

kemaren kan ulang tahunnya si kwanghee tuh.
생일 축하합니다 오빠~~~
nah ini dia isi me2daynya si kwanghee seputar ultahnya kemaren

Original message:

아예 바닥에서 선물 풀어보기~

In English:

Ahh yea, the gift is released from the bottom~

Original message:

비글광희 잠옷할꺼라는 티셔츠도 출연!!

In English:

Kwang Hee puts on t-shirt and pajamas for the performance!!

Original message:

생일선물 풀어보는 중간에~ 재미있게~~

In English:

A birthday present~ Interesting~~

Original message:

예능 새싹 광희 생일 축하해주셔서 감사해요^^

In English:

Kwang Hee thanks everyone who congratulated him on his birthday^^

Original message:

경축!!!! 예능 광희 오신날!! 축하 드립 ㅋ

In English:

Celebration!!!! Kwang Hee’s birthday!! Congratulations ㅋ


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